A Way Out the Ethico-Legal Maze of Social Media Data Scraping

People know that once they publish something online, such content becomes “publicly available” and can be downloaded and re-used by others, for example, researchers and data scientists. The reality is far more complicated. And for us, finding a way to comply with data protection obligations and to respect the tenets of research ethics became an … Continued

Our comments to EDPB’s Guidelines on Dark patterns

Together with the manipulation experts Rachele Carli (University of Bologna) and Cristiana Santos (University of Utrecht), we have submitted our feedback to the “Guidelines 3/2022 on Dark patterns in social media platform interfaces: How to recognise and avoid them” elaborated by the European Data Protection Board. Read our public comments.

Panel at the CPDP (Conference on Computer Privacy and Data Protection) on “Privacy design, dark patterns and speculative data futures”

Panel at the CPDP (Conference on Computer Privacy and Data Protection) 2022 on "Privacy design, dark patterns and speculative data futures”     The DECEPTICON project has organized and financed a great interactive and interdisciplinary panel: Opposite forces harshly confront each other on the battlefield of digital services. On one side, privacy-invasive mechanisms like dark … Continued

Presentation at the Data Privacy Day organized by the CNPD “Ces cookies nuisent à la vie privée !”

Presentation at the Data Privacy Day organized by the CNPD "Ces cookies nuisent à la vie privée !” Une conférence de la CNPD pour comprendre comment les cookies permettent le traçage et le ciblage publicitaire et comment le design trompeur et des informations non transparentes favorisent leur acceptation. A cette occasion, la CNPD a présenté ses … Continued

Dark patterns at the Luxembourg Privacy Salon

Dark patterns at the Luxembourg Privacy Salon The last edition of the Luxembourg Privacy Salon focused on dark patterns. Dr. Arianna Rossi led an interactive presentation with the audience. Watch the video to learn more about dark patterns and how they circumvent the data protection requirements of transparency, consent and privacy by default.


DARK BY DESIGN: REGULATING MANIPULATION IN ONLINE ENVIRONMENTS Panel at the Conference on Computer Privacy and Data Protection 2021 Moderator: Arianna Rossi Speakers: Frederik Zuiderveen Borgesius, Estelle Hary, Anne-Jel Hoelen, Ailo Ravna, Geoffrey Delcroix Online services are scrupulously designed to offer the best experience to their users, accommodate their needs and direct their actions towards … Continued

Light on dark patterns

Light on Dark Patterns   "The road to hell is paved with good intentions." - Dark Patterns have invaded interfaces to influence users, who, far from always resisting, sometimes behave paradoxically in front of them. And the role of UX designers in this dilemma? After an introduction on Darks Patterns, we will talk about the … Continued

Public notice for Twitter and Reddit web scraping

Interdisciplinary Research Group in Socio-technical Cybersecurity Public notice for Twitter and Reddit web scraping Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash Public notice for Twitter and Reddit web scraping 1. About the research project As part of the research project Deceptive patterns online (Decepticon), we, researchers at the Interdisciplinary Center of Security, Reliability and Trust (SnT) … Continued