Adaptive Trust Management

Interdisciplinary Research Group in Socio-technical CybersecurityAdaptive Trust ManagementSeigneur Jean-Marc, Lenzini Gabriele, Hulsebosch Bob 🗎 Abstract:Chapter 8 of this book has explained how computational trust and reputation can be used to select the trustworthy pieces of software among the plethora of pieces of software emerging from this dynamic self-organising software world as envisioned in this book. … Continued

Selective location blinding using hash chains

Interdisciplinary Research Group in Socio-technical CybersecuritySelective location blinding using hash chainsLenzini Gabriele, Mauw Sjouke, Pang Jun🗎 Abstract:Location-based applications require a user’s movements and positions to provide customized services. However, location is a sensitive piece of information that should not be revealed unless strictly necessary. In this paper we propose a procedure that allows a user … Continued

Accomplishing transparency within the General Data Protection Regulation (Auxiliary material)

Interdisciplinary Research Group in Socio-technical CybersecurityAccomplishing transparency within the General Data Protection Regulation (Auxiliary material)Pierina Brustolin, Spagnuelo Dayana, Ferreira Ana, Lenzini Gabriele🗎 Abstract:This document intends to complement and expand the content presented in [Spagnuelo et al., 2019]. In this auxiliary material we present current Transparency Enhancing Tools (TETs) and their correlation with the European General … Continued

DaPIS: an Ontology-Based Data Protection Icon Set

Privacy policies are known to be impenetrable and lengthy texts that are hardly read and poorly understood. This is why GDPR introduces provisions to enhance information transparency including icons as visual means to clarify data practices.