Legal Design Methodology: A pre-Blueprint

Interdisciplinary Research Group in Socio-technical Cybersecurity

Legal Design Methodology: A pre-Blueprint

Wednesday-Thursday, April 1-2, 2020
10:00 AM to 5:15 PM (April 1), 9:30 to 12:30 PM (April 2)


Program - April 1

10.00-10.30: Waiting room
All participants are free to enter the Meeting to test the audio and video.

10.30-10.40: e-welcoming of participants by Rossana Ducato and Alain Strowel

Session 1 | Discussing the notion of Legal Design (10.40-11.00)
Chair: Rossana Ducato (UCLouvain and Université Saint-Louis-Bruxelles)
10.40-10.50: Apolline Le Gall (Où sont les Dragons ; Centre de Recherche en Design, ENSCI-Les Ateliers, ENS Paris-Saclay) and Sumi Saint-Auguste (Open Law * Le Droit Ouvert ; Prospective Lab, Lefebvre Sarrut), The four spaces of design practice: drawing from design theory to enhance legal design practice

Session 2 | Design for Legal Education and Legal Culture (11.00-11.40)
Chair: Alain Strowel (UCLouvain, Université Saint-Louis-Bruxelles and KULeuven)
11.00-11.10: Emily Allbon (City, University London) and Rae Digby-Morgan, Is law really that ‘special’?
11.20-11.30: Michael Doherty (Lancaster University), Using service design methods in the redesign of a law degree curriculum

Session 3 | Legal Design in the Data Protection Field (11.40-12.00)
Chair: Arianna Rossi (Snt, University of Luxembourg)
11.40-11.50: Zohar Efroni and Marie Schirmbeck (Weizenbaum Institute for the Networked Society in Berlin; Humboldt University Law Faculty), Data Protection and Privacy Icons: A Risk-Based Approach to Visualization of Data Processing Aspects

Session 4 | Legal Design and Access to Justice (14.00-16.05)
Chair: Margaret Hagan (Stanford University) (video message?)
14.00-14.10: Petra Hietanen-Kunwald (University of Helsinki) and Maria Claudia Solarte-Vasquez (Aalto University and Taltech), Operationalizing access to justice and empowerment in transaction design
14.20-14.30: Chiara Fioravanti and Francesco Romano (IGSG, CNR), Legal design projects in a specific domain: lessons learned and contributions from different disciplines
14.40-14.50: Florence Cols (Droits Quotidiens), A methodology to rewrite the Belgian letter of rights
15.25-15.35: Santiago Pardo Rodriguez (Universidad de los Andes), Access to Justice through Legal Design: the experience of the Legal Design Lab of the Universidad de los Andes and the Colombian Constitutional Court
15.45-15.55: Lois Lupica (University of Maine School of Law) and Genevieve Grant (Monash University), Will legal design improve civil justice systems? And how will we ever know?

Session 5 | Technologies for Testing in Legal Design projects (16.10-16.50)
Chair: Stefania Passera (University of Helsinki and Passera Design)
16.10-16.20: Joaquín Santuber (Hasso-Plattner-Institute; This is Legal Design GBR), Lina Krawietz (This is Legal Design GBR), Babajide Owoyele (Hasso-Plattner-Institute) and Jonathan Antonio Edelman (Hasso-Plattner-Institute), Feasible and accessible psycho-physiological methods for Legal Design
16.30-16.40: Jesper Clement, Frederikke Hjort Arentz, Maria José Schmidt-Kessen (Copenhagen Business School), Testing the effectiveness of online legal warnings with the help of eye-tracking experiments

16.50-17.15: virtual cin cin

Program - April 2

09.30-10.00: e-welcoming of participants
• Test of the connection
• Test of audio/video
• Instruction about the netiquette of the virtual roundtable

Session 1 | Legal Design and Dispute Resolution (10.00-10.40)
Chair: Rossana Ducato
10.00-10.10: Marco Imperiale (LCA), How a mediator’s mindset could improve legal design thinking
10.20-10.30: Hietanen-Kunwald Petra and Helena Haapio (Univeristy of Vaasa, Lexpert), Applying legal design in dispute prevention and resolution

Session 2 | Notable examples of Legal Design in the private sector (11.00-12.20)
Chair: Helena Haapio (University of Vaasa and Lexpert)
11.00-11.10: Angela Tang (Slaughter and May), Unpacking Legal Design – Using the Double Diamond Framework in a Corporate Law Firm
11.20-11.30: Cynthia Charlier and Jeoffrey Vigneron (Lawgitech), Understanding digital platform regulations with interactive design & learning tools
11.40-11.50: Marie Potel (Amurabi), How to design compliance to restore its function, and reveal its underlying value?
12.00-12.10: Andres Polania, Jorge Garcia and Angelica Flechas, Legal Service Design for a bank, beyond the re-design of contracts

12.20-12.30: Greetings and farewell

Wednesday-Thursday, April 1-2, 2020
10:00 AM to 5:15 PM (April 1), 9:30 to 12:30 PM (April 2)
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SnT – Interdisciplinary Centre for Security, Reliability and Trust
Maison du Nombre, 6, avenue de la Fonte L-4364 Esch-sur-Alzette