Interdisciplinary Research Group in Socio-technical Cybersecurity
Experience report: How to extract security protocols’ specifications from C libraries
Often, analysts have to face a challenging situation when formally verifying the implementation of a security protocol: they need to build a model of the protocol from only poorly or not documented code, and with little or no help from the developers to better understand it. Security protocols implementations frequently use services provided by libraries coded in the C programming language; automatic tools for codelevel reverse engineering offer good support to comprehend the behavior of code in object-oriented languages but are ineffective to deal with libraries in C. Here we propose a systematic, yet human-dependent approach, which combines the capabilities of state-of-the-art tools in order to help the analyst to retrieve, step by step, the security protocol specifications from a library in C. Those specifications can then be used to create the formal model needed to carry out the analysis.
Itzel Vazquez Sandoval, Gabriele Lenzini
Publication date:
June, 2018
Published in:
2018 IEEE 42nd Annual Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC)
Sandoval, I. V., & Lenzini, G. (2018, July). Experience Report: How to Extract Security Protocols' Specifications from C Libraries. In 2018 IEEE 42nd Annual Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC) (Vol. 2, pp. 719-724). IEEE.
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