Interdisciplinary Research Group in Socio-technical Cybersecurity
Dark Patterns: Deception or Simply Bad Design?
Lately, researchers, journalists, and regulators are devoting attention to dark patterns, defined as "design choices that benefit an online service by coercing, steering or deceiving users into making decisions that, if fully informed and capable of selecting alternatives, they would not make". Those patterns that have the purpose" or the "substantial effect of obscuring, subverting, or impairing user autonomy, decision-making, or choice" have also been qualified as dark. These definitions are dense: they contain concepts like coercion, nudging, and deception that all alone would deserve an entire work to be discussed.
Rossi Arianna, Lenzini Gabriele, Koenig Vincent, Bongard Kerstin
Publication date:
Published in:
ESORICS poster session
Rossi, A., Lenzini, G., Koenig, V., & Bongard, K. (2019). Dark Patterns: Deception or Simply Bad Design?.
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