Challenges of protecting confidentiality in social media data and their ethical import

Interdisciplinary Research Group in Socio-technical CybersecurityChallenges of protecting confidentiality in social media data and their ethical importArianna Rossi, Mónica P Arenas, Emre Kocyigit, Moad HaniAbstract:This article discusses the challenges of pseudonymizing unstructured, noisy social media data for cybersecurity research purposes and presents an open-source package developed to pseudonymize personal and confidential information (i.e., personal names, … Continued

A Secure Authentication Protocol for Cholesteric Spherical Reflectors using Homomorphic Encryption

Interdisciplinary Research Group in Socio-technical CybersecurityA Secure Authentication Protocol for Cholesteric Spherical Reflectors using Homomorphic EncryptionMónica P. Arenas, Muhammed Ali Bingol, Hüseyin Demirci, Georgios Fotiadis, Gabriele LenziniAbstract:Sometimes fingerprint-like features are found in a material. The exciting discovery poses new challenges on how to use the features to build an object authentication protocol that could tell … Continued

Conciseness, interest, and unexpectedness: User attitudes towards infographic and comic consent mediums

Interdisciplinary Research Group in Socio-technical CybersecurityConciseness, interest, and unexpectedness: User attitudes towards infographic and comic consent mediumsDoan Xengie Cheng, Selzer Annika, Rossi Arianna, Botes Wilhelmina Maria, Lenzini GabrieleAbstract:Being asked to consent to data sharing is a ubiquitous experience in digital services - yet it is very rare to encounter a well designed consent experience. Considering … Continued

Data Protection and Consenting Communication Mechanisms: Current Proposals and Challenges

Interdisciplinary Research Group in Socio-technical CybersecurityData Protection and Consenting Communication Mechanisms: Current Proposals and Challenges Arianna Rossi, Human, Soheil, Degeling, Martin, Santos, Christiana, Pandit, Harshvardhan, Morel, Botes, Wilhelmina Maria, Jesus, Vitor, Kamara, IreneAbstract:Data Protection and Consenting Communication Mechanisms (DPCCMs) have the potential of becoming one of the most fundamental means of protecting humans’ privacy and … Continued

Autonomy and the social dilemma of online manipulative behavior

Interdisciplinary Research Group in Socio-technical CybersecurityAutonomy and the social dilemma of online manipulative behaviorMarietjie BotesAbstract:Persuasive online technologies were initially designed and used to gain insights into the online behavior of individuals to personalize advertising campaigns in an effort to influence people and convince them to buy certain products. But recently, these technologies have blurred the … Continued

An Analysis of Cholesteric Spherical Reflector Identifiers for Object Authenticity Verification

Interdisciplinary Research Group in Socio-technical CybersecurityAn Analysis of Cholesteric Spherical Reflector Identifiers for Object Authenticity VerificationMónica P. Arenas , Hüseyin Demirci and Gabriele Lenzini Abstract:Arrays of Cholesteric Spherical Reflectors (CSRs), microscopic cholesteric liquid crystals in a spherical shape, have been argued to become a game-changing technology in anti-counterfeiting. Used to build identifiable tags or coating, … Continued