Interdisciplinary Research Group in Socio-technical Cybersecurity
4.2 Social Dynamics Metrics-Working Group Report
Individuals continually interact with security mechanisms when performing tasks in everyday life. These tasks may serve personal goals or work goals, be individual or shared. These interactions can be influenced by peers and superiors in the respective environments (workplace, home, public spaces), by personality traits of the users, as well as by contextual constraints such as available time, cognitive resources, and perceived available effort. All these influencing factors, we believe, should be considered in the design, implementation and maintenance of good socio-technical security mechanisms. Therefore, we need to observe reliable socio-technical data, and then transform them into meaningful and helpful metrics for user interactions and influencing factors. More precisely, there are three main questions that the group discussed: 1. What data do we need to observe and what of this data we actually can observe and measure? 2. How can we observe and measure? 3. What can we do with the results of the observations?
Zinaida Benenson, Sören Bleikertz, Simon N.Foley, CarloHarpes,StewartKowalski, Gabriele Lenzini, Daniela Oliveira, Simon Parkin, Shari Lawrence Pfleeger, Paul Smith, Sven Übelacker
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Socio-Technical Security Metrics
Benenson, Z., Bleikertz, S., Foley, S. N., Harpes, C., Kowalski, S., Lenzini, G., ... & Übelacker, S. (2015). 4.2 Social Dynamics Metrics–Working Group Report. Socio-Technical Security Metrics, 17.
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SnT – Interdisciplinary Centre for Security, Reliability and Trust
Maison du Nombre, 6, avenue de la Fonte L-4364 Esch-sur-Alzette