Conciseness, interest, and unexpectedness: User attitudes towards infographic and comic consent mediums

Interdisciplinary Research Group in Socio-technical CybersecurityConciseness, interest, and unexpectedness: User attitudes towards infographic and comic consent mediumsDoan Xengie Cheng, Selzer Annika, Rossi Arianna, Botes Wilhelmina Maria, Lenzini GabrieleAbstract:Being asked to consent to data sharing is a ubiquitous experience in digital services - yet it is very rare to encounter a well designed consent experience. Considering … Continued

Training Data Scientists in Legal Practice

Report from the SnT Annual Report: Link   In 2017, it was proposed by The Economist that the world’s most valuable resource was no longer oil, but data. In fact, as early as 2006, this shift in our technological activity was hypothesised, including the value that mining and analysing data would hold for us in … Continued